Amazing Bouquet


Amazing Bouquet

Indulge someone special with the fresh scent of Amazing Bouquet. We’ve decked out our best selling bouquet for Valentines! Inspired by the beautiful flowers you’d find at a bustling European flower market this time of year. Hence this classic, crisp arrangement is hand-designed in a glass vase by our expert designers using the freshest red roses.

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Amazing Bouquet

Indulge someone special with the fresh scent of Amazing Bouquet. We've decked out our best selling bouquet for Valentines! Inspired by the beautiful flowers you’d find at a bustling European flower market this time of year. Hence this classic, crisp arrangement is hand-designed in a glass vase by our expert designers using the freshest red roses.

Holiday Roses

Regular Valentine Pricing Table Below (When pre-books are sold out.)
Regular $84.99
Medium $94.99
Long-stemed $125.00 Fully Dressed (with Peruvian Lilies and Many different custom greens)
Dozen Colored $89.99
  • Comes in 3 sizes
  • $74.95 Medium 10 in stock (Medium Sized)
  • $84.95 Large 10 in stock (Custom Large)
  • $94.95 Custom (Large-Top Design)

With the expense of Valentine’s Day, we have come up with a great way to send roses without going to extremes. This Valentine Special is a great idea. These flower arrangements will not last. Order early and save a few bucks this year, while our supplies last. Roses that accent the love and bring such smiles at first sight. This New baby, Anniversary or any other occasion, Rose Special, may just do it, people want to send Flowers and gifts through the most reliable source of integrity. Our designer roses are plentiful, full with so much personality and custom design that your loved one will screen with joy. Unbelievable!! So Brighten their day with the perfect most unusual gift of flowers for Valentine’s day. We have customized flowers for him as well. And that is to say this Valentine Special is a great arrangement to consider. You may request in between pricing on this and all designer garden flower arrangements.



Additional information

Traditional Sizes

Regular: 74.99, Ultimate: 94.99, Upgrade: 84.99


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