Vintage Drop Earrings (Copy)


Vintage Drop Earrings

Vintage Drop Earrings – These beautiful, vintage earrings. The Tear drop in from a very aged necklace and was used for this vintage piece. Earrings are made from a tear drop and surrounded with a sparkling gems. A great choice of color. Wardrobe matching. Vintage Drop Earrings, gives choices for her. Memorable and beautiful. Great for Proms and homecoming alike. Contains all durable, yet delicate findings. Earrings are made from high quality materials. And each stone is different. Make someone’s day brighter.

”See discount options on purchase page.” Adding an aroma therapy scent includes a scented tassel that matches your choice of original purchase of jewelry. Or add an extra piece at a discounted price.

Beautiful Gift Ideas With Purchase Of Flowers

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Vintage Drop Earrings

Vintage Drop Earrings

Vintage Drop Earrings – These beautiful, vintage earrings. The Tear drop in from a very aged necklace and was used for this vintage piece. Earrings are made from a tear drop and surrounded with a sparkling gems. A great choice of color. Wardrobe matching. Vintage Drop Earrings, gives choices for her. Memorable and beautiful. Great for Proms and homecoming alike. Contains all durable, yet delicate findings. Earrings are made from high quality materials. And each stone is different. Make someone’s day brighter.

”See discount options on purchase page.” Adding an aroma therapy scent includes a scented tassel that matches your choice of original purchase of jewelry. Or add an extra piece at a discounted price.

Beautiful Gift Ideas With Purchase Of Flowers

Earrings For Her – Hence, having an extra gift delivered on the day of a special event or celebration. Oftentimes sending gifts via mail or delivery can be a hassle. Also taking several days for the gift to arrive. Same-day flower or gift delivery is a great option. Also for those who want to ensure a timely arrival. Without the hassle of making gift arrangements far in advance. Affordable Jewelry Gifts are also a great alternative to flowers. Same-day flower and gift delivery is sure to impress and put a smile on the faces of both recipient and sender alike.

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